Saturday, March 26, 2005

Memo to Sat Nav makers...

...and indeed the makers of other route finding aids such as this: when giving directions to people going to St Albans don't sent them through the middle of the City. A bod from the council once told me that 75% of traffic on St Peters Street is through traffic.
It's bad enough having so many people who are lost - or who just don't care - coming through, but to have your software forcing people in is a bit much.
This isn't London - we have a finite number of streets. Teach your software to use them better.


AJP said...

I have a stand-alone SatNav unit - and was quite impressed that it gave me a route to the far side of Salisbury - that went around, rather than through the city. So clearly some of them get it.

For the record, Winchester's city has exactly the same kind of terrible traffic problems as you are describing. Mind you, they're not helped by the recent changes to the one-way system, reversing the direction of travel in a couple of side streets. It was meant to have improved the flow - but it seems to have just made the trip into the centre much further, when coming from the west. The flow of traffic (as casually observed when driving in) seems almost exactly the same as it was before. But what do I know? :-)

Ian Cundell said...

Yeah, to be fair the Sat Nav was probably just respecting the road hierarchy. But the post was prompted by a friend spending two hours in traffic - on market day - because he was sent through the City centre.

The journey from my house to Harpenden is a simple matter of turning left and driving forward for 5 miles. One piece of route planning software wanted me to turn right, go through St Albans, head towards Milton Keynes and then turn right towards Harpenden.

Sometimes I have too much time on my hands...