Sunday, September 03, 2006

Not such a fair view

Last week the planning inspector overturned St Albans Council's refusal of consent for Fairview Homes to build well over 300 flats on the site of the old College of Further Education.

Local conservation groups are up in arms about the number of flats. But, aside from a vague pang of nostaglia for the site being where I did a Computer Studies CSE Back In The Day, I'm more concerned about the quality of what is going to be built.

This article is one I wrote a couple of years ago about living in a Fairview Homes flat (39 Wheatsheaf Close, E14 if you really want to know). The final version got modified slightly to take in a frightening incident with an intruder.

My concern is that the flats are going to be cardboard boxes that will barely last the length of the leasehold.

The Council hardly did itself any favours when, a few months back, a councillor said - in relation to the proposal for a new cinema - "It's not as if St Albans is the jewel in Hertfordshire's crown". That councillor is an idiot, but it was Oaklands College who sold a senstive, near-town-centre, site to Fairview.

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